Wednesday, May 18, 2016

RANDALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL youngsters begin the countdown

The kindergarten classes at Randall Elementary School are having an ABC count down to the end of kindergarten.

Each day the class is participating in a special letter activity.

“A” was awesome art day. The children drew with chalk outside creating awesome art.

“B” was backwards and blue day.

“C” was crazy sock day.

Some of the other days are “D” Denim day; “E” Exercise and eat right day; “F” Friend day; “G” Game day; “H” Hat day; “I” Interesting Fact day; “J” Joke day; “K” Kindness day; “L” Listen to Music day; “M” Mismatch day; “N” Name day; ‘O” Observe day; “P” Patriotic day; “Q” Quiet day; “R” Reading buddy day; “S” Sunglasses day; “T” Thankful day; “U” Up on the desk day; “V” Vote day; “W” is Who, what ,when, where day; “X” Marks the Spot day; “Y” Year End Cleanup day; and “Z” Zoom out the door day.

The classes are having fun doing the count down to the end of kindergarten! 

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