Sunday, May 19, 2019

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL: 'Street Racing' author hoping for a series

Jaylyn Hassan, THS Senior, published his own book, "Street Racing Club", on this year. He is featured in the May 15 issue of Downriver Life section of The News-Herald Newspapers. His book is currently on sale on Here’s the News-Herald’s story by Sue Suchyta:

Taylor High School senior Jaylyn Hassan is graduating with more than a diploma this year: the published author’s first work of fiction, “Street Racing Club,” is now available on

Hassan, who said he has been writing since he was 9 years old, said family members urged him to take the next step and write a book, and he started writing “Street Racing Club” during his freshman year in high school, and finished it midway through his senior year.

He said his fascination with cars and racing gave the book its focus.

“The story is a fiction fantasy with its own little twist to it,” Hassan said. “The characters are brothers trying to reach the top of the street racing world. There’s stuff going on, like car thieves, criminals that try to stop them, but they just keep moving forward.”

Hassan said he has a cousin who does a bit of racing, and family members who have taught him the basics about cars.

Other mentors include the teachers who supported his writing and provided feedback, including Ryan Bibbee, Kelly McCausland, James Ostach and Stephen Weatherholt.

“They encouraged me to keep going,” Hassan said. “Mr. Weatherholt has a book of his own published, and he taught me how to get it on Amazon.”

He said he plans to continue writing as he begins college in the fall. He hopes to go to Eastern Michigan University, but is still waiting on his acceptance.

Hassan said he sees “Street Racing Club” as a series.

“I actually have plenty of ‘Street Racing Club’ stories,” he said. “I have two bins filled with notebooks of unreleased material. I have been doing this for years.”

Hassan’s advice for other student writers is to keep at it.

“Keep writing, because one day your day will come,” he said. “Put it on paper. Express yourself.”

Hassan said he wrote out the first draft of his story by hand, then he worked on successive drafts on his laptop.

He said he is excited about the next book in the “Street Racing Club” series.

“I am working on it now,” Hassan said. “I always try to put a little bit of me in the main character, and even into the minor ones.”

He said he enjoys hearing people’s reactions after they read his book.

“It’s fun to hear their reactions, from how it is detailed, to how the story unfolds,” Hassan said. “I like to see them stare at the paper and work their way down the lines, and then they nod at you and say, ‘alright!’”

Hassan said he would like to continue writing, and hopes to pursue his art as well. He designed his own book cover, and hopes to continue his pencil drawings, which he colors digitally.
During the four years he spent writing and revising his book, Hassan admits that there were many times he felt discouraged.

“There was always something in me, telling me to keep pushing,” he said.

He said his staunchest supporters were his mom, his close friends James and John, and his late Uncle Freddy, to whom he read a chapter when the book was in its early stages.

While he hopes to get his book in local stores, “Street Racing Club” is currently for sale on Amazon, for $9.99.


TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL: Student council honored

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL students: If you're looking for a job, we're looking for you

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL senior soccer players take a bow

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL seniors take note of important dates

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL senior softball players ready to move on

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL students help out at Career Center

Taylor High School volunteers helped out at the Career Center recently.

TAYLOR HIGH SHCOOL: Class of 2019 'Vals and sal' announced

KINYON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL students enjoy trip to library and farm

The Kinyon Elementary School ASD Program enjoyed a trip to the Taylor Community Library and Heritage Park Petting Farm on Wednesday.


Mrs. Rybski and the Eureka Heights Elementary School Student Council hosted its annual “Muffins with Mom” on May 16. This was a special time for the girls of Eureka Heights to spend with their mom/grandma/aunt.

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL 'Decision Day' keeps everyone on their toes

Taylor High School had “Decision Day” last week for our seniors. It was fun and successful. Parents were invited to come to a pancake breakfast with their senior student and students signed their name on the posters showing what their next step was after high school. Everyone got a T-shirt and had photo opportunities.

TAYLOR PARKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL cheers on basketballers

Taylor Parks Elementary School held a student vs. staff basketball game recently. Cheerleaders from both teams had a great time supporting their team. Students enjoyed watching their teachers and friends compete. The players had a very good game and the teachers came out the winners. Everyone is looking forward to a rematch next year.

WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL students listen to plastics expert

On May 16 and 17, Mrs. Elizabeth Egan from the Plastivan Company, spoke to West Middle School’s seventh-grade classes.

Mrs. Egan began her program by explaining that she graduated from Michigan State University with an engineering degree. Mrs. Egan encouraged the students to get a two- or four-year degree in the plastics field. This is a highly needed field, which commands a lucrative salary. She emphasized that this career is for both men and women. 
Through hands on activities and demonstrations, Mrs. Egan showed the students physical and chemical changes. Endothermic and exothermic changes were also discussed. She explained that plastics are polymers that are used in every aspect of our daily lives. 

West is grateful to Mrs. Egan for her plastics presentation. The students were engaged and excited to learn. Mrs. Egan‘s visit has sparked a curiosity and a motivation in many of our students to seriously consider a career in plastics.

MCDOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL support team comes to the rescue

It was Taylor Schools' HVAC and McDowell's Day Maintenance to the Rescue recently when Mrs. Bochenek’s kindergarten class had a issue it couldn’t handle.

 The pupils had been so excited about their new baby chicks hatching, but the chickens were born with “straddle” leg deformity (their feet pointing to the side) and needed attention. 

These young men and our Day Maintenance man “Sandy” looked up on YouTube how to help. They used rubber bands and straws to make a temporary brace. 

We thank them for using their "extra care skills" for our littlest ones in McDowell's community.

HOOVER MIDDLE SCHOOL girls attend WCCCD conference

On May 9 some Hoover Middle School seventh-grade girls had the opportunity to attend the 6th Annual Building STEM Savvy in Middle School Girls Conference at Wayne County Community College in Taylor.

The purpose of this conference was to allow these students to explore horizons in science, technology, engineering and math.
Pictures are Hoover students that attended the conference Ayla Bayer, Shiann Smith, Amaya Brown, and Morgan Cikalo.

The keynote speaker for the event, Dr. Susan White, is the refuge administrator of the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge in Gibraltar for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She spoke about her career working with diverse partners to protect iconic natural resources across the country as well as the Caribbean and remote Pacific islands.

Workshops focused on various STEM related careers including mechanical engineering, data analytics, and biomedical engineering. The closing speaker of the day was Dr. Marlo Rencher. She spoke with the students about her experience in startup and small business development agencies; and urged the girls to think broadly and inclusively about whose lives they can impact and how they can create that impact.