Thursday, May 22, 2014

BLAIR MOODY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Good students bask in the limelight

Students were honored at Blair Moody Elementary School’s monthly student of the month breakfast. Their parents and grandparents joined them in celebrating being chosen for this awesome award.

HOLLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Why is your teacher special?

Thank you, Holland Elementary School teachers!

The monthly school-wide writing assemblies were very special this month. Since May 6 was “Teacher Appreciation Day,” all of the students wrote letters to the teachers to thank them for being so wonderful. The students wrote about how grateful they were for teachers being patient, caring and kind, listening to them, loving them and making learning fun.

A special letter was written by a fourth-grade girl to Mr. Matchett, a teacher who passed away a few years ago, thanking him for being so fun and wishing him well in a better place.  There were many tears of joy in the eyes of teachers who heard the letters for the first time. Holland teachers are truly amazing and make learning and school fun and exciting each and every day.

HOLLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: What is that heavenly sound?

Both second-grade teachers at Holland Elementary School, Ms. Danaj and Ms. Zwolan, have children who sing like angels!  

At a recent concert they performed for their families, the students sang like professionals. The theme for the concert was taking care of the Earth and featured songs such as "Listen to the Water,"  "Follow the Rainbow," "Let it Grow" and "The Rainbow Connection."

The songs included solos, dancing and speaking parts. Everyone had fun and the students were amazing.

MCDOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Fifth-graders strike a (wax) pose

At McDowell Elementary School, Mrs. Wensorski’s fifth-grade class and Mrs. Agemak's fifth-grade class created and presented a “Living Wax Museum.”

Each student researched an accomplished individual and then took on the persona of that person during the museum.  Students were required to dress, use props and hold their pose during the presentation.  It was a great learning experience, not only for museum visitors, but for the students presenting as well.

TITAN ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL: Lunch and a presentation from Flying Aces

Titan Alternative High School parents and students had a catered lunch and a presentation from The Flying Aces recently.  The students and parents who participated had a great time during the luncheon with a loved one!  This was the second luncheon that Titan had hosted year with the parents and students.

MCDOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Third graders are finely tuned

McDowell Elementary School third graders love to sing. A concert was held recently starring Mrs. VanDerworp's class and Mr. Hamilton's class. The students visited and sang about many Michigan and Taylor places. It was a great job!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

MCDOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Coming next, the news!

The McDowell Elementary School newshounds are on the hunt!

A new club was formed by Ms. Hutchison to create a newsletter for the school. Students had to apply and be current with their studies.

Our crew consists of approximately 20 reporters. There are lots of jobs to do, including choosing what stories to report on, interviewing, working on the pages, gathering information and so much more.

The school can't wait until the first edition!

HOOVER MIDDLE SCHOOL: Choir performs final concert of the year

Recently the choir of Hoover Middle School performed their last concert of the year with Mrs. JoAnn Wright-Farmer conducting.  

All families were entertained by the stage full of amazing singers. There were even a few former students that came and joined in the last song of the evening.

TAYLOR TEEN HEALTH CENTER: Signup now for summer arts and prevention academy

The Taylor Teen Health Center is now accepting applications for the Taylor Summer Arts & Prevention Academy. 

If you like art, dance, drama and music come join us this summer! It’s FREE!! Breakfast and lunch is provided, as well as transportation for Taylor residents. See application for more information.


The students in Blair Moody Elementary School’s ECSE, Young 5’s and PreK POHI classes are wild about animals.

This month they headed out to the Toledo Zoo with students and their families for a day of fun with the animals. Each family was given a scavenger hunt sheet to help them find the different animals around the zoo.

They enjoyed seeing the monkeys, giraffes, polar bears and naked mole rats. One of the favorite exhibits was the sea otters. This was a special day for the otters at the zoo, recently two baby otters were born, and the group were there on their first day out with the public.

They also got to meet a special guest at the zoo, a crocodile who is 17 feet long and visiting from Australia.

It was a great day to spend with for students, their families and the animals.