Monday, October 19, 2015

RANDALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL first-graders learn about families

The Randall Elementary School first-grade students in Mrs. Ostrowski's class have been busy learning about families, how our families are similar and how they are different. 

The first Social Studies unit was enhanced with a "Families Are Different" glyph activity.  The students’ individual response to every question determines a piece of their personalized family house. 

They learned that each house is built for a family and every family is unique.  For example:  your house is white if you are six, your roof is green if you have brothers and sisters, your front door is red if you are in first grade, every yellow window represents a family member, each tree represents a family pet, the sun represents a family that cares about each other, and a red chimney represents a child who likes to read with their family!

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