Friday, October 10, 2014

MCDOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Book teaches lessons about bullying

Is it true that "Nothing's fair in fifth grade?"

That's the topic of Book Club with Mrs. Hutchison for the fifth grade girls in October at McDowell Elementary School.

The students are reading a book by Barthe DeClements and finding out what bullying really is.

Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over you. This includes calling you names, saying or writing  things about you, leaving you out of activities, not talking to you, threatening, making you feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging your things, hitting or kicking you, or making you do things you don't want to do.

This can make you feel very unhappy, afraid, uncomfortable, depressed, hurt and alone. The school is so glad the girls are learning now what can happen to anyone at any age!

McDowell says, "No Bullying, Ever!"

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