Saturday, March 17, 2018

MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT on Wednesday demonstrations

On March 14 in the Taylor School District, secondary school students and staff were able to be a part of something very powerful.

At Kennedy High School, student leaders and students were part of a dignified and solemn student-led assembly in the gym. The student body all sat silently in the bleachers as 57 names were called – 57 students walked down from the bleachers, and then 57 students sat in a circle on the gym floor in complete silence to signify the 57 students who lost their lives at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland.

At West Middle School, students participated in a restorative circle discussion for the first few minutes, and then walked the inside of the school in the hallways in complete silence for 13 minutes.

At Truman High School, about 500 students participated in the student led walk-out and exited the school to the track. After a silent observance, they returned to their classes.

At Hoover Middle School, a small number of student leaders walked out of the building to the track. The students were quiet and respectful in observance of those students who lost their lives in Florida. It was it a very powerful learning opportunity.

As superintendent of the Taylor School District, I want to thank all of the student leaders and students who were involved in these respectful observances in our secondary schools. I also want to thank the staff at our schools and the Taylor Police Department for helping ensure that these dignified events were safe, supervised, and successful.

-- Ben Williams

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