Sunday, November 4, 2018

WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL students listen to food expert

Recently Mr. Brece Clark, spoke to all sixth grade students at West Middle School on the topic of healthy food choices.

Mr. Clark emphasized to the students that certain health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes are influenced by a diet consisting of large amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol. Mr. Clark showed how overtime obesity rates have increased. Mr. Clark’s research indicates that fast foods and fried foods contribute to this troubling trend.
But Mr. Clark did not dwell on the negative. Instead he inspired our students to make more plant-based food choices. Eating more fruits and vegetables and limiting our consumption of processed foods, sugar and meats can effectively reduce our chances of developing conditions that put our health at risk.

Basing our diets on plant-based foods (also including grains, beans and nuts) is being highly recommended by nationally-recognized nutritionalists.
West thanks Mr. Clark for his informative presentation. The students asked great questions and discussed Mr. Clark's presentation with one another throughout the day.
Mr. Clark' s presentation on making healthier food choices certainly gives us a lot to think about. He emphasized that even making small changes in our diet can have great effects.

Mr. Clark continues to be an excellent resource for West Middle School and all students are encouraged to examine their diets to see if wiser choices can be made to safeguard their health and our environment.

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