Saturday, October 27, 2018

WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL students conduct food chain activity

Mrs. Fent's and Mrs. Schulte's sixth-grade classes at West Middle School have been studying ecology. As part of the study students are becoming familiar with the following terms: predator, prey, food chain, food web, consumers, producers and decomposers. 
During the week of October 22, sixth grade students conducted a food chain/food web activity. Students took on the various roles of specific producers, consumers or decomposers. With the use of yarn students constructed several food chains. By doing this lab activity students could visually see how overlapping food chains formed a food web.
This activity was very well received. Students gained a better understanding that the sun is the principle source of all food energy. They were surprised to learn that as you went further down the food chain less and less energy was received. For most students realizing the vital role that decomposers play in the ecosystem was quite an eye-opener. Through these hands on activities students are able to gain and retain knowledge much better.

-- Submitted by Sara Bochenek

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