Tuesday, September 27, 2016

TOMMIE SAYLOR: Engage the parent and you'll engage the student

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”
Jane D. Hull

By Tommie Saylor
Kennedy High School Principal

The biggest influence on student success are parents and/or guardians. In fact, a student’s home life is so influential in the progress that it almost renders the caliber of the teachers, administrators or school irrelevant.

Essentially, if the people at home value education, place a high premium on grades and are involved in the educational process, then the student, more times than not, finds academic success. 

Knowing this, schools make numerous attempts to involve the parents and/or guardians in the educational process. To this end, schools organize open houses, parent/teacher conferences, try to encourage parents to serve on committees and become involved in school events. 

It can be argued that the eminence of a school can be measured not by the number of teachers with advanced degrees, graduation percentage nor by a diverse curriculum, but by the number of parents that attend open houses, parent/teacher conferences and PTA/booster meetings.

Because a student’s parents and/or guardians are so paramount in a student’s academic success, teachers need to make every effort to involve the home in the educational process. 

This starts with communication, keeping up on your grading and posting the grades to the online student management system. Make calls or send notes home when a student begins to falter. Send emails home highlighting what is taking place in class, homework or projects. Perhaps even invite parents into the classroom to become part of the learning process. 

Essentially, the more teachers can involve and inform parents, and spark interest in the learning process, the more they will become involved. This will lead to the greater the importance of education will become in the household.

When all of that happens, students will perform.

Knowing the research, we can either whine about the level of parental involvement or we can create an atmosphere that draws parents into the educational process.

The teacher has the choice.

Helping students to find their greatness. Making Kennedy the school of choice. Excellence by design.

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