Sunday, December 21, 2014

TOMMIE SAYLOR: Managers manage, and leaders dream ... the choice is yours

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams

By Tommie Saylor
Kennedy High School Principal

Are you a manager or a leader?  A manager is one who “takes care of business” and makes sure all the reports are properly completed, following the rules because they are the rules. 

A manager does what they are told because they were told to do it. A manager is great at taking care of paperwork, developing schedules and enforcing standards.  A manager does not care why a rule was broke, just that is was and that the offender must be brought to justice.  Managers observe. They do not participate, they regulate. They are often reactive as opposed to being proactive. 

There is nothing wrong with being a manager, for managers are necessary for keeping order, insuring productivity and making sure the organization is moving in the right direction. They lead from within, surrounded by those with whom they lead. Managers are practical realists and can play a good game of “gotcha.”

Leaders are a little more radical and rebellious. They push boundaries. Leaders don’t just follow the rules because they are the rules. Leaders question the rule and want to know what purpose the rule serves.  If the rule is a bad one or is not aligned with the mission of the organization, the leader challenges the rule and works to remove it. 

A leader is not afraid to stand out front and “tilt at the dragon” alone, hoping that others will follow his lead. Where managers like what they do and are good at what they do, leaders are passionate about what they do, and try to build this passion in others.

Leaders are not always looked upon fondly. We see George Washington as a great leader, but in his time the British viewed Washington as a dirty little rebel meddling in the affairs of the King. Leaders are always trying to do what is right, not necessarily what is expected.  Leaders are honorable, ethical and place honesty and integrity above all other traits. 

Leaders put it all on the line, are often self-sacrificing and have incredible focus.

Leaders are not afraid to be wrong, accept change if it benefits the cause, and are not intimidated by others who want to lead with them. In fact, good leaders will cultivate their followers to become leaders themselves.  Essentially, leaders lead from the front, challenge ineffective rules and procedures and keep the goals of the organization in mind, build people up not break them down, they are proactive not reactive. Most of all, leaders are dreamers. 

Leaders see what can be, not just what is, and they know how to get there.

So the question remains, within your environment, are you a manager or a leader?  Or do you have traits of each, for they both have their merits. Make yourself into the image you hold in your head.

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