Wednesday, October 23, 2013

MCDOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: It's amazing what a little fishing will get you ...

Robert participates in Arts & Scraps.

McDowell Elementary School recently held a unique event to engage families in the learning process.

A group compares crafty items they got from the Scrapmobile
The parent engagement evening, "Arts & Scraps - New Found Fish" was attended by over 100 parents and pupils of the school. It started with a pizza dinner and quickly shifted into creative education.

The children pretended that they were fishing along the Detroit River. They caught a fish that no one had ever seen before. Then they filled out a brainstorming web of ideas.

Each child was given a bag full of recycled materials. Out of those, they created their new-found fish. Using their newly created fish and their web of ideas, they began to write stories about their fish.

Each pupil was also given the opportunity to shop on the "Scrapmobile" for additional recycled materials -- all to keep the creative juices flowing back at home.

For more on the Arts & Scraps program, click here.

Just having fun with the project!

Mr. Dana puts on the finishing touches!

Clifton, with his fish, Nemo #5

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