Wednesday, May 4, 2016

BIANCA WARNER: First DECA president discusses trip to international convention

By Bianca Warner
DECA President

My trip down to Nashville for DECA International Career Development Conference (April 23-26) was one I'll always remember.

It was my first time traveling outside of the state on my own so it was kind of scary. I was able to make new friends from all around the country, which isn't something someone often gets to do. I attended the Aspire Academy, which was a two-day seminar on preparation for student's futures. I enjoyed interacting with all of the new people and learning so many beneficial things.

Our seminars were broken into three main topics: College Matters, Money Matters, and Tips for Interviews. I really learned a lot in each of the seminars. It's definitely something I would encourage any students to try and be a part of.

I also was able to meet with executive mentors from big companies around the world and ask them questions. It was a one in a lifetime opportunity.

I am so thankful for my advisor, Carly Lundgren-Barnard; Principal Melissa Skopczynski; career center Principal Jacqueline Lancina; and the Board of Education. It was such a great feeling being the first Truman student to ever attemd and being able to come home and tell my peers about it. I’m encouraging them to work hard and go to ICDC in the future. 

Here is the speech I presented about my experience with DECA throughout my high school career (click on for YouTube video). I am Truman's first president of DECA and was able to start many traditions this year that I hope to live on. 

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