Sunday, January 20, 2019

BLAIR MOODY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL pupils learn about castles

Third-grade students from Mrs. Tevepaugh's classroom at Blair Moody Elementary School "visited" several castles, as a kickoff to their project-based unit on castles.

The students were transported to castles around the world with the help of Virtual Reality goggles. Once there, they were able to "explore" the outside of the castle as well as take a peek inside.

Students were asked to compare and contrast eight different castles and record their observations.

As the unit progresses, the third graders will also learn about nonfiction text features, new vocabulary, idioms, fairytales, engineering, forces, geography, and how Michigan forts connect to castles. Before the unit ends, they are going to be digital pen pals with a third grade classroom in a castle community in England.

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