Thursday, November 17, 2016

WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL lectured by Holocaust survivor

On Monday, November 14, Martin Lowenberg spoke to West Middle School students about his experience in Nazi, Germany.

Mr. Lowenberg is a Holocaust survivor. Unfortunately his father, mother and twin brothers perished in the concentration camps that were prevalent throughout Europe during World War II.  He told of his experiences, including being brutalized by a German teacher, living through the “Night of Broken Glass,” and surviving the concentration camps.
In the camps his head was shaved and all comforts were removed. Food consisted of watery soup made with potato skins. Bunkhouses of over 250 men had no mattresses, blankets or pillows. They worked from morning until night or until they dropped and were exterminated.

Amazingly, Mr. Lowenberg survived and eventually immigrated to the United States. His strong message – to get a good education and be kind to one another – resonated with students. Mr. Lowenberg’s visit was a memorable experience. Hopefully, the students will keep his lessons of love and acceptance in their hearts and spirit to share with the world, as Mr. Lowenberg has experienced.

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