Sunday, April 21, 2019

TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL DECA hosts Funding for Future

What better way to get kids interested in learning about financial literacy than a concert, pizza party, and free give-a-ways.

Taylor High School DECA students hosted a Funding the Future Live event April 16 at Taylor High School. Over 400 students attended the event where they learned about the important topic of financial literacy. Some of the topics discussed were saving, staying out of debt, investments, needs and wants, interest, and so much more!

DECA would like to thank our musical celebrity, the band GOODING, and our sponsor Andrea Duda from Duda Weath Advisors of Raymond James, who enabled the students to attend this event for free.

The club would also like to thank the administration, maintenance crew, and the teachers. 

Students were able to meet the band and get pictures, autographs, pins, stickers, T-shirts while also questions they have about personal finance. Also during the event students were given a chance to ask questions and those that asked a question were given a free CD. 

DECA and marketing students Virginia Cole and Emily Polovino worked really hard to make this event happen and are working hard to promote the topic of financial literacy throughout our school. 

FTF Mission: "Funding the Future teaches kids the importance of smart financial decisions, through live music, video, and an inspirational message shared by a musical celebrity. Participants learn basic tools to make informed life decisions and gain the discipline and confidence to see their own dreams as possibilities."

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