Monday, February 20, 2017

WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL students study rocks while extending curriculum

West Middle School eighth-grade science classes have been studying igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. To extend the curriculum the classes were asked to use magnifying glasses and reference books to identify rock samples by name and type. Students worked cooperatively in groups to fill out lab reports.
It was interesting to witness critical discussions by group members in order to identify the rock samples provided. Some students used prior knowledge to either identify or eliminate particular choices. Such comments as, "We have that in our kitchen,” (for granite) and "It can't be coal because it's not blackening my hand,” (to eliminate coal and choose obsidian) were overheard.    
This lab activity was a success. Students were able to accurately identify rocks as igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic by using scientific tools and reference guides.

Most importantly, students have a good understanding of  what qualities make a productive group member. Active learning occured during this successful rock identification lab.

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