Saturday, December 17, 2016

TOMMIE SAYLOR: The right emotions are always appreciated

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.”
Brad Henry

By Tommie Saylor
Kennedy High School Principal

It may sound strange, but when an instructor, lay-person, secretary, maintenance, counselor or coach enters my office and “pounds” on my desk passionately advocating for their cause, I appreciate their zeal. 

I appreciate the emotion and the explosion of raw energy.  I appreciate their courage to advocate for students, the pluck and daring it takes to go to “the boss” and “lay it on the line” not for their own well being, but for the well being of others, the well being of our students.

I can teach a young instructor what it takes to be a first-rate teacher, what it takes to work with students and parents and how to develop lessons that are engaging and entertaining. I am well versed in pedagogy, methodology and what the latest research says about how students learn. 

I can demonstrate and instruct others how to put together a first rate lesson, how to deliver the lesson, how to capture student attention, the art and science behind teaching and learning.

But I can’t teach passion, the love for students, and the desire to help students find their inspiration. I can’t teach that longing in one’s core that wakes you up in the middle of the night when creativity suddenly strikes or that warm feeling deep inside that brings tears to your eyes when your students finally “get it.”

I can’t teach those things, and this is why I have said over and over again, teaching is a calling, a mandate from a higher power. 

So when someone comes into my office obviously upset concerning the well being and educational opportunities of students, I appreciate their concern, intensity and enthusiasm. They are showing me that they care.

Helping students to find their greatness. Making Kennedy the school of choice. Excellence by design.

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