Saturday, October 15, 2016

Q&A: Taylor School District School Improvement Bond

This is one of many questions concerning the Taylor School District School Improvement Bond, which will appear on the November ballot. The proposal is for 0.96 mills annually for five years, beginning this school year.

What are the specifics of the bond?

The proposal on the November 8 ballot targeted 0.96 mills for very specific reasons. The district, working in conjunction with Mayor Rick Sollars and the City of Taylor, took the opportunity to ask voters to consider a school improvement bond with a rate of 0.96 mills. 

This rate was chosen specifically to match an expired city of Taylor millage levy to ensure that this school improvement bond, if approved, would have a net zero impact on residents' tax bills. 

The former 20-year bond levy, which expired in August 2015, targeted purchase and renovation of large sites in the southwest corner of the community.

Funds from this school bond, if approved, would generate approximately $1.19 million per year for the next five years. 

These funds are specifically targeted to support the purchase of new school buses, repair and upgrade school buildings, and purchase instructional technology.

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