Saturday, May 9, 2015

TAYLOR PARKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Don't judge a book (or person) by their cover

Taylor Parks Elementary School students had a surprise waiting for them during their visit to the library.

The "usual selection" was removed from the shelves and replaced with disguised books that haven't seen the hands of any student for a while. 

To entice the students, Mrs. Lind, librarian, wrapped the books in paper bags with only the summary of the book and the reading level taped on the outside. 

Mrs. Augustyns' fourth-graders were up to the challenge, reading what the book was about instead of selecting the “same ol' same ol'” based on the cover.

Once all books were checked out, the students were able to rip open the bags to see their choices. 

"It was like Christmas," remarked Mrs. Augustyn. 

The discussion after was how we should NOT judge a person or a book by its cover!

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