Saturday, February 1, 2014

MCDOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: PTA, staff plan for future

McDowell Elementary School parents are excited to make plans for the future. Recently, our newly formed PTA group met and discussed the coming months.

The parents and principal met with vendors and made plans for the best way to support what goes on at McDowell. One great item the principal talked about was our "Giving Tree" located in our lobby. If you need mittens or hat, you can take them or you can donate them as a way to extend kindness to others.

It is exciting also for McDowell to be part of the PTA, which is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. Today’s PTA is comprised of 5 million parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents and other caring adults who share a commitment to improving the education, health and safety of all children. It speaks with one voice for every child.

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